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Please see Qualtrics_ Security White Paper. (see page 22 for our official stance of data lifespan.)
1) How long are NYU Qualtrics survey data stored in Qualtrics?
Title: NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) Terms of Use
Effective Date: September 1, 2010
Document Hierarchy:
· Policy on Responsible Use of NYU Computers and Data
· Responsibilities of All NYU Computer, Data and Network Users
· World Wide Web Policies and Procedures
· Statement of Policy on Intellectual Property
· University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects
· Office of Institutional Research and Program Evaluation Survey Policy
· Qualtrics Acceptable Use Statement
Issuing Authority: Information Technology Services and Division of Libraries
Responsible Officer: Associate Vice President for .edu Services / Director of Collections and Research Services
Who Needs to Know these Terms of Use:
All students, faculty, emeritus faculty, staff, administrators or their designees who use the New York University (NYU) Survey Service (Qualtrics) and individuals granted access to surveys or survey responses downloaded from the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics).
Statement/Description of the Terms of Use:
New York University Information Technology Services (ITS) and Division of Libraries provide the University students, faculty, emeritus faculty, staff, and administrators access to the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) in order to create, deliver, and analyze surveys and survey responses for academic, administrative, and research related purposes. Use of the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms of Use as well as all federal, New York State, local, and other applicable law; all University rules and policies, including the Policy on Responsible Use of NYU Computers and Data, the Responsibilities of All NYU Computer, Data, and Network Users, and the World Wide Web Policies and Procedures, found at, and the Statement of Policy on Intellectual Property; and all applicable contracts and licenses, including the Acceptable Use Statement issued by Qualtrics at All materials distributed through the Qualtrics service must comply with federal copyright law,, and NYU's Policy on Photocopying Copyrighted Materials,
1. Various University policies and regulations govern survey research and distribution. Users of the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) are urged to consult the University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects (UCAIHS) at and the Office of the Provost’s Survey Policy at prior to creating a survey.
2. Users will not use the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) for personal or commercial gain.
3. Users will not SPAM or use other forms of unsolicited mass communication in conjunction with the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics).
4. Users of the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) are expressly forbidden from asking survey participants for any information classified as ‘Restricted’ according to the NYU Data Classification Table (
5. NYU Information Technology Services and the Division of Libraries provide access to the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics); however, responsibility for how individuals use the service resides solely with the individual.
6. All surveys, in the instructions to respondents, shall include the statement “All survey information will be retained and hosted on a third party (Qualtrics) server and not on an NYU server.”
7. NYU reserves the right to change, at any time, at its sole discretion, the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) offering and these Terms of Use.
Eligibility and access to the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) is limited to faculty, administrators, staff, emeritus faculty, and students in degree programs at New York University.
Responsibility for Content/Content Ownership:
1. Each survey created through the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) has a primary author. The primary author of a survey is responsible for content posted or distributed through the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics), subject to the normative rights and obligations in the academic community as these are expressed in the University rules and regulations.
2. Surveys and survey responses collected through the use of the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) may be shared with parties external to NYU. Surveys and survey responses shared with parties external to NYU shall be the responsibility of the primary author / user granting access to the external party. All external parties granted access to the shared surveys and responses must abide by these Terms of Use, as well as all applicable NYU policies and other rules and regulations.
3. Users of the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) who download survey responses collected through this service are subject to the data security measures outlined on the ITS Computer & Network Security website at
4. Users will safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of the survey participants and the responses provided.
Support and Service Availability:
In order to provide service improvements and maintenance, System Administrators have access to all content in the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics).
Service requests should be directed through the Qualtrics Service Lead at Data Services at or (212) 998-3434. Support and service are available through Data Services between 10:00a.m. and 6:00p.m., U.S. Eastern Time. Service requests will be acknowledged and addressed in 48 hours excluding weekends and University holidays. Problem resolution time is dependent on the complexity of the issue and available resources.
NYU Disclaimer:
The surveys created or the responses supplied using the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) do not in any way constitute official NYU content. The views and opinions expressed in the pages are strictly those of the survey’s authors. The contents of the surveys and responses have not been reviewed or approved by NYU. NYU makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) operation or the information, content or materials included. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, NYU hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. NYU will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of or inability to use this site. The user expressly agrees to use this site solely at his/her own risk. Questions or concerns about page content should be directed to the primary survey author, if possible, or to the Qualtrics Service Lead at Data Services at or (212) 998-3434. For copyright inquiries, consult the NYU Copyright Communications page, found at
The NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) provides users with identifying banners (“skins”) when building a survey. The primary author is responsible for selecting the appropriate banner for identification purposes and will not intentionally choose a banner which misrepresents his/her affiliation to NYU.
Archive and Retention
1. Qualtrics will archive and retain surveys and survey responses indefinitely.
2. Users are encouraged to remove their surveys and associated survey responses from the NYU Survey Service (Qualtrics) before leaving the University.
Cross references:
Send questions or comments to:
Qualtrics Service Lead
Data Services
Bobst Library, New York University
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-3434