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Hack Dibner

A technology and design competition that is offered at NYU's Dibner Library on a yearly basis.

Useful Resources

The resources below are ones previous teams have used in Hack Dibner. Since you have the freedom to explore this problem in your own way, every year is different! If you think of resources or data you'd like to see, talk to the mentors.  We're always happy to add more resources to this list.

We have compiled a Data Sandbox to give you a sense of some of the data we collect in the library. These data include Ask A Librarian chats transcripts, screenshots of the LibCal API used for room reservations, circulation statistics, Dibner Library occupancy counts, and images of Dibner Library spaces.  Contact a Hack Dibner Library Mentor or email all of us at if you'd like to know more about these data sets or if you'd like to compile similar data sets for your project.


Related Books and Journals

Existing information

Dibner Library Floor Plans

All floor plans are linked as JPGs stored in a Google Drive folder.

3rd floor

4th floor

Total seat count in Dibner Library is 600.

Email the Library Mentors for:

  • Catalog information
  • Ask-A-Librarian Chat log data
  • More recent occupancy counts

Websites and apps

Open Access Repositories & Code

  • code4lib isn’t entirely about code or libraries. It is a volunteer-driven collective of hackers, designers, architects, curators, catalogers, artists and instigators from around the world, who largely work for and with libraries, archives and museums on technology “stuff.”
  • GitHub 
  • Open Science Framework (OSF)

User Experience (UX) and Design

Assessing library spaces

QR Codes

QR Code Generator

Free 3D Design Software


Free Decibel Reader Apps

United States Access Board--ADA Accessibility guidelines


Library Mentors

Lindsay Anderberg

Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Librarian and Poly Archivist

Matthew Frenkel

Engineering Librarian                                           

Amanda He

Librarian for STEM Instruction & Engagement

Remember, a consultation with us will not only improve your project, it will earn you one bonus point!

Additional Research Guides

On campus resources