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Thursdays: 12pm - 5pm
Fridays: 12pm - 5pm
You can also contact Qualtrics directly:
I am getting the error 'Internal Server Error,' what do I do?
Please reach out to Qualtrics Support directly at
What is the difference between my NYU Qualtrics account and the free Academic Trial provided by Qualtrics?
We highly recommend using the Qualtrics NYU Account rather than the Free Trial Version in order that Data Services can provide you administrative support. In addition, there is the Qualtrics Trial Version has limited sample size, limited functions, and limited design templates.
How can I cite the Qualtrics software in my research paper?
Please check out these instructions for how to cite Qualtrics in your research paper.
Will I have access to my NYU Qualtrics account after graduation, retirement, termination etc...?
No, access to your NYU Qualtrics account is dependent on your official status with NYU. Although your access to your account ends, your account remains static unless you transfer surveys and data to a new account. If you are going to a new institution with a Qualtrics license, you will need to reach out to the brand administrator of your new university and If you are not moving to a new institution with a Qualtrics license, consider transferring your surveys and data to a Free Trial Version of Qualtrics.
Can multiple people own a survey?
No. NYU Qualtrics does not permit multiple owners of a survey. You can share your survey with your team, and allow editing privileges., however only the owner of the survey can add collaborators and share privileges.. *Therefore, it is important to think about the long term life of your survey.
How do I transfer ownership of a survey to another member on my team?
Please email with permission to enter your account, your netID, name of the survey and name and NetID of the new owner of the survey.
Can I collaborate with other Qualtrics users?
Active members of the NYU community have access to Qualtrics and can collaborate with other NYU Qualtrics Users, as well as other institutions with a Qualtrics license. Users who are using the free trial of Qualtrics, do not have the ability to collaborate. *Although the NYU community has access to Qualtrics, users must first initialize their account by first logging in.
Can I share access to my survey with multiple members of my research team?
Yes, the owner the survey can share access to the survey with other Qualtrics users. Please take a look at this step-by-step guide, under Collaborating within your Organization.
How do I request a Special User ID to share my NYU Qualtrics survey with a research consultant that does not have an NYU Net ID or a Qualtrics account at another university?
Please follow the steps at the service link knowledge base article at the following link:
How many emails can I send using the Qualtrics mailer?
The limit is 10,000 emails per week using the Qualtrics mailer. Under special circumstances, we can arrange to increase this limit. Please email if this applies to you.
How many people can I have take my survey?
Under the NYU license, you have an unlimited number of responses per survey.
How do I activate the Qualtrics Offline Surveys app on my tablet/mobile device?
All NYU Qualtrics Users can login to the App by following the instructions for using the Qualtrics Offline Surveys app. To log in, follow the link to Sign in with SSO and use nyu as the Organization ID.
I have a team of X number of researchers. Can we all have access to the Qualtrics Surveys Offline app?
How long can I use the Qualtrics Offline Surveys app?
Access to the Qualtrics Offline Surveys App is contingent with your access to your NYU Qualtrics Account.
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