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CADAL (new)
China Academic Digital Associative Library
NYU is now a co-sharing institution as well as an overseas institution with CADAL!
China Academic Digital Associative Library (CADAL), is a collaborative digitization project among libraries in China and other countries, sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China (MOE), the National Science Foundation of USA and the India Academy of Sciences, including nearly 2 million ebooks, 160,000+ periodicals, 190,000+ newspapers, 160,000+ theses & dissertations, 110,000+ multimedia resources and 120,000+ special collection items (Oversea Remittance, Manchuria Railway Profiles, Local Chronicles, Living Materials in Special Era, etc). The publication years are from ancient times to the present.
You can find the language option on the top right corner and switch among simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese and English. NYU Users must register for an individual account and activate your identity using your NYU email address to use for free. Activating using a mobile phone is not required.
NYU users can follow <a href="
We have added Chinese newspapers to our collection with CNBKSY (as of July 2024).
1. Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949) Series 1-12 / 民国时期期刊全文数据库
Covers about 25,000 titles of Chinese periodicals published during 1911-1949. Consisting of 12 series, it’s the largest database of Chinese periodicals of this time.
2. Late Qing Dynasty Full-text Database (1833-1911) (3 series total) / 晚清期刊全文数据库
Covers about 600 titles of Chinese periodicals published in the Late Qing Dynasty.
Supplement 1
Supplement 2
National Palace Museum Journals Archive
The National Palace Museum Journals Archive (故宮期刊知識庫) is a full-image full-text searchable database of art journals published by the National Palace Museum in Taipei.
National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation (NCPSSD) 国家哲学社会科学文献中心
NCPSSD contains the previously named National Social Science Database (NSSD). NCPSSD is an open access database, committed to providing quality content freely online for everyone. Besides the same Chinese journals as NSSD, it also contains OA journals of other languages and ancient books. (Access as of 8/15/2024)
Fanyun Literature / 繙云文献
Fanyun Literature (繙云文献) contains a collection of Chinese newspapers with coverage spanning 1902-1949. The following titles are included:
The Republican Daily (民国日报) - 1916-1949
Ta Kung Pao (大公报) - 1902-1949
The Central Daily News (中央日报) - 1928-1949
Changes with our access to CNKI databases:
East View’s updated map of suspension impacts is available here and reflects the current situation:
CADAL's collection includes over 2.5 million scanned items in Chinese and English (and some French, German, and Russian, among others), covering a wide range of subjects, including history, literature, philosophy, and more.
NYU users can follow the instruction document to register for an individual account. If you are off campus, please use the VPN
Users must create an account using their NYU email address to access the database. Users must use VPN to access off-campus.
CDMD is a comprehensive database of dissertations and theses in China.
Use Internet Explorer, NOT Firefox, to access this database. NYU users have access to (F) Literature/History/Philosophy only.
China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database provides knowledge services for overseas users on the KNSS platform, which integrates serial databases into an organic whole and enables cross-database searching. The platform establishes integrative interconnections among literature resources through data-mining their internal and external characteristics.
Important Update: Effective March 20, 2024 full-text downloads of the following content remain temporarily suspended:
China Patents (SCPD)
Discovery via browse and search, citations and abstracts data, and ongoing updates will continue during suspension.
Dacheng lao jiu kan quan wen shu ju ku / 大成老旧刊全文数据库 is a database of scanned articles from Chinese journals and magazines from the late Qing Dynasty (pre-1911) through the period of Republic of China (1911-1949). Some of the journals may not have the complete run of issues. The database covers available journals in humanities, social sciences, medicine, and science and engineering.
For a library catalog list of contents of this database, use this URL
The Databases for the History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements, 1949- 中国当代政治运动史数据库系列
A collection of four primary-source databases covering Chinese political movements since 1949. Included in this collection:
1. The Chinese Cultural Revolution Database (1966-1976) 中国文化大革命文库 (1966-1976)
2. The Chinese Anti-Rightist Campaign Database (1957-) 中国反右运动数据库 (1957–)
3. The Chinese Great Leap Forward--Great Famine Databases (1958-1964) 中国大跃进——大饥荒数据库 (1958-1964)
4. Database of the Chinese Political Campaigns of the 1950s, from Land Reform to the State-Private Partnership (1949-1956)
中国五十年代初中期的政治运动资料库:从土地改革到公私合营 (1949-1956)
Taida Journal of Art History / 臺灣學術期刊開放取用平台
Journal of the Department of Art History at National Taiwan University - now fully accessible online:
Caixin Chinese / 财新网 (see English language databases below for English access)
C-text / Chinese Text Project
online open-access digital library that makes pre-modern Chinese texts available (over 30,000 titles) to readers around the world. To use, please set up an individual subscription.
Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO, 1897-1953), University of Heidelberg.
This is a new Open Access resource and has features that are not yet complete. Content is freely available, no login is required. Topics include film, literature, gender, religion, medicine, fashion, politics, family life and more. For a list of periodical titles, or a user guide, please email the EA Studies librarian.
Jiefangjun Bao (PLA Daily)
Jiefangjun Bao, the PLA Daily, is the authoritative media of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) used to release military news and comprehensive military-related information and is the official newspaper of the Central Military Commission.
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digital Archive and Database Project, McGill Library
This project is dedicated to the digitization of collections of writings by women in late imperial China (1368-1911) - Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) periods. It includes a link for each writer to the China Biographical Database hosted at Harvard University. Search by chronological range of publications, types of publications (poetry, prose, etc.), and browse by many options (collections by library, year, type, or indexes by names, gender, ethnic groups, marital status, and more).
National Palace Museum Art Journals
Gugong Wen Wu Yue Kan / 文物月刊
Gugong Xue Shu Ji Kan / 學術季刊
NYUSH China Datasets Archive
The Datasets page is led by NYUSH Center for Data Science and Analytics, and created in collaboration with NYUSH Library.
Open Access (OA) Online-First Publishing of Research Papers on COVID-19
Scholarly journal articles on the topic of COVID-19 (many of which we already have available in CAJ). When you find something you want to read here, you can copy and paste the article information into the China Academic Journals (CAJ) database.
The Wire is a digital news magazine dedicated to understanding and explaining one of the biggest stories of our time: China's economic rise, and its influence on global business, finance, trade, labor and the environment.
We are currently working on resolving intermittent access issues to this resource. Please temporarily use the NYU VPN for access.