This library guide is for use with course #HIST-UA 569 and is based on the syllabus, "Japan's Empire in Asia, 1895-1945" provided by Dr. Tatiana Linkhoeva
sample search terms:
imperialism, colonialism, "colonial modernity," colonial identities, colony-metropole, "regional migration," "Pan-Asianism," empire, "total war," "Asia-Pacific War," "Pacific War," "World War II," "Sino-Japanese War," and many others.
To find out what we have at NYU, search the NYU LIBRARY CATALOG :
To find out what is available elsewhere (and then you can request through Interlibrary Loan or EZBorrow), search these
Cambridge Histories Online:
For Japan: Vol. 6 The Twentieth Century:
Hunter, Janet. Concise Dictionary of Modern Japanese History. Berkeley: University of California Press 1984.
This is a concise, reliable guide to the people, places, events, and ideas of significance from the Meiji Restoration to the present.
call number: NYU Bobst 1st Floor Reference (DS881.9 .H86 1984 Non-circulating )
WWWJDIC: Japanese-English language online dictionary, created by Jim Breen
Note: NYU Libraries is retiring EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) in June 2025. The Catalog Search replaces EDS as the tool for searching across multiple publishers’ databases and platforms. You can also use EBSCOhost to search across the full set of EBSCO-only databases.
National Diet Library of Japan Digital Collections
Finding Images, guide created by the North American Coordinating Council of Japanese Library Resources (NCC)
How to cite your sources
Organizing your sources and creating bibliographies
Using Refworks, Endnote, Zotero, or Mendeley…
Getting Started with Refworks:
Quick Guide on Citation Style for Chinese, Japanese and Korean Sources (Yale University Library)
For more assistance with citation management tools, contact librarian Margaret Smith, Physical Sciences Librarian: email
Need a resource that we don't appear to have, request the material via Interlibrary Loan or EZBorrow. Or, if you are in NYC and are an NYU doctoral student or full-time faculty member, try MaRLI, the Manhattan Research Library Initiative. MaRLI enables cardholders from NYU, Columbia, and NY Public Library to borrow materials from all three institutions. Registration is required.