This library guide is for use with capstone seminar - course #HIST-UA 401 and is based on the syllabus, "Asia as Method: Japanese Political Thought," provided by Dr. Tatiana Linkhoeva
sample search terms:
"Asia," "Japan," "The West," "modernization," "modernity," "postmodern", "imperialism," "The Asia-Pacific War," "Total War," "Cold War," "fukoku kyōhei" (rich nation, strong army / 富國強兵), "bunmei kaika" (civilization and enlightenment / 文明開化), "kyōdōtai" (village community / 共同体), "Marxism," "Meiji Ishin" (Meiji Restoration / 明治維新), "nationalism"
Recommended overviews of Japanese history with library call numbers:
Peter Duus, Modern Japan (Houghton Mifflin, 1998) call number: Main Collection DS881.9 .D87 1998
Andrew Gordon, A Modern History of Japan: from Tokugawa times to the present (Oxford, 2013)
2020 call number: in process Main Collection DS881.9 .G66 2020
2014 call number: Main Collection DS881.9 .G66 2014
2009 call number: Main Collection DS881.9 .G66 2009
2003 call number: Main Collection DS881.9 .G66 2003
Mikiso Hane, Modern Japan: A Historical Survey (Westview, 1986)
2018 online: Ebook
2013 print call number: Main Collection DS881 .H36 2013
2013 online: Ebook
2009 call number: Main Collection DS881 .H36 2009
2001 call number: Main Collection DS881 .H36 2001
1992 call number: TNS Restricted / Internet Resources DS881 / Electronic access
1992 print call number: OFFSITE Main Collection DS881 .H36 1992
1986 call number Main Collection DS881 .H36 1986
Marius Jansen, The Emergence of Modern Japan (Harvard, 2000) Not at NYU
1995 print call number: book on order DS835.E44 1995, please check back
Janet Hunter, The Emergence of Modern Japan (Longman, 1989) call number: Main Collection DS881.9 .H87 1989
To find out what we have at NYU, search the NYU LIBRARY CATALOG :
To find out what is available elsewhere (and then you can request through Interlibrary Loan or EZBorrow), search these
Cambridge Histories Online:
for Japan
Vol. 5 The Nineteenth Century:
Vol. 6 The Twentieth Century:
WWWJDIC: Japanese-English language online dictionary, created by Jim Breen
Note: NYU Libraries is retiring EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) in June 2025. The Catalog Search replaces EDS as the tool for searching across multiple publishers’ databases and platforms. You can also use EBSCOhost to search across the full set of EBSCO-only databases.
National Diet Library of Japan Digital Collections
Finding Images, guide created by the North American Coordinating Council of Japanese Library Resources (NCC)
How to cite your sources
Organizing your sources and creating bibliographies
Using Refworks, Endnote, Zotero, or Mendeley…
Getting Started with Refworks:
Quick Guide on Citation Style for Chinese, Japanese and Korean Sources (Yale University Library)
For more assistance with citation management tools, contact librarian Margaret Smith, Physical Sciences Librarian: email