Every quarter, a company's leadership holds an earnings call with investors and analysts to update them on the status of the company. These calls are closely scrutinized by financial professional and the business press for new insights. The transcript of these calls are broken out into the prepared remarks of C-suite leadership and analyst question. Students can use quarterly earnings call transcripts to:
Data on public and private companies, financial statements, M&A/deals, PE/VC, LBOs, and executives and boards worldwide. Use the screening and charting features to create lists of firms for tasks such as investment analysis coursework or your job search. More information is available in the Capital IQ Guide.
Requires NetID and password on and off-campus.
Important: All third-party cookies must be enabled in the web browser setting while accessing Capital IQ.
Using an incognito or private window is highly recommended.
In the search bar, search for a company by name or symbol, e.g., Apple
In the left-hand panel, navigate to News, Events, & Filings -> Transcripts
Go to Research tab, navigate to Transcripts section
Apply your search criteria in the fields of Search Criteria, Time Frame and Keyword
In the search bar, search for a company by name or symbol, e.g., Apple
Go to Event tab -> Corporate Events
In the Advance Events Search landing page, in the left-hand panel,
within the dropdown menu of Event Type -> Earnings & Corporate -> Earnings Calls/Presentations, check Earnings Conference Call
within the dropdown menu of Content Type, check Transcripts
Apply other criteria as you need and then search
In the Advance Events Search landing page, in the left-hand panel,
within the dropdown menu of Event Type -> Earnings & Corporate -> Earnings Calls/Presentations, check Earnings Conference Call
within the dropdown menu of Content Type, check Transcripts
Apply other criteria as you need and then search
Go to All Data -> Compustat - Capital IQ -> Capital IQ, select Transcripts
Use the web query for bulk downloading transcripts. (How to Search: Ways to Use WRDS)