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WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

Learn how to access and use WRDS at NYU Libraries.

What is WRDS Day Pass?

All individuals currently enrolled at or employed by NYU can use WRDS on-site in Bobst Library or Stern buildings using the "Day Pass" feature. "Day Pass" is only available in these specific buildings (not available at NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Shanghai, or NYU Global Academic Centers) and hard-wired connections (not wireless or personal devices). WRDS Day Pass will not work on the NYU VPN.

Due to how NYU IT handles IP addresses, all public terminals may not work. Please see below for "generally working" locations.

WRDS Day Pass Link

Click here to access WRDS via "Day Pass" if you are in Bobst Library or Stern buildings (KMC, Shimkin, Tisch).


Generally Working Locations in Bobst Library

Due to how NYU IT handles IP addresses, "Day Pass" may intermittently work on public NYU terminals across Bobst Library and Stern's buildings. You may receive a red error message (see below) when trying to log on while using the Day Pass. Find below a list of locations within Bobst Library where WRDS Day Pass is "generally working". If you receive an error message, please move to a location that is generally working.

Generally working in Bobst Library:

  • 4 South
  • Entire 6th & 7th floors
  • PCs in LL2
  • PC Lab 2
  • LL1 Large Computer Lab

Generally NOT working in Bobst Library:

  • 4 West
  • 4 East
  • 5th floor
  • 8th floor
  • 9th floor
  • Mac lab
  • PC Lab1
  • Macs on LL2

Please note that some computers on select floors may be unavailable due to ongoing facility changes and construction.

See also: Bobst Library floor maps.

WRDS IP Address Validation Error

If you receive the below red IP address error message in WRDS, please move to one of the "Generally working in Bobst Library" locations (above) to use the Day Pass feature.

WRDS red IP address error: There is a problem with your computer's IP address. The IP address of this computer, , is outside of the range of permitted IPs for your institution, and cannot connect automatically to WRDS Please activate a VPN or proxy server connection and retry your access; or, contact your WRDS Representative for assistance. Please include the following information in any request for assistance, as this aids in debugging problems with proxy servers: request.META.REMOTE_ADDR: request.META.HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR:.