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NYU Libraries Catalog Features

An overview of features in NYU Libraries' online catalog (

Availability Information

Users can now see information regarding the availability and location of our materials from the search results page.

This allows users to quickly determine if an item is available, and where/how to access it. 

Screenshot of a search result entry for the book "Mapping dalit feminism." A red box underneath the title highlights that the book is available at NYU Bobst Main Collection and is available Online.

Item availability statuses in the catalog, what they mean, and what to do if an item has that status.

Availability Status Definition and What Do
Available at [Location]

This is a physical item that is available at the library location indicated in the status.

To access an available record onsite, you can either:

  • Use the call number (displayed in parentheses) to locate the item in the building. See this video on finding a physical book by call number for more help.

  • Request the item for locker or circulation desk pick-up. This process can take 2-5 business days depending on where the material is stored.

If an item's location includes offsite, that means that the item is not stored in the library. You must request the book for locker or circulation desk pick-up.
Request from Partner Libraries

This is a physical item that is currently unavailable OR an item that is only available at one of our consortium libraries. 

In either case, navigate to the requesting area of the record to start a request. If a record is available onsite at a consortium library (Cooper Union, The New School), in most cases you can go directly and check out the item from the shelf.

For more information on requesting, please view the requesting section of this guide. 

Available Online This means that the electronic resource (e-book, article, etc.) is available online, and you can access it by either following the “View Online” section on the record, or through direct download links on the result if available.
Check Availability or Request Options Users should rarely see this status, but if you do, click into the record and look at the “View Online” and “Get It” sections to see what options are available to access the record.


Reading Availability Information

Use the "Get It" section

In the “Get It” section of an item’s page, you can find more detailed information about an item’s availability by clicking into blocks under “Locations." 

The item record screen for the book "Be not afraid of love". The location information under the "Get It" section of the record is highlighted.


If an item is available

The record will say “Available” in green, and the text "Item in place" will indicate that the item is on the shelf. If you are logged in, the loan period appropriate with your account status (e.g., student, faculty, staff) is displayed. 

The "Location Items" section of record for an NYU Bobst available item with a "Locate" button.


If an item is unavailable

The record will say “Out of Library” in blue, and information about why the item is unavailable will be shown.

In the example below, the item is "On loan", i.e. checked out and is expected to return May 15th 2024. You may see other reasons, such as “Technical” which means the item is being repaired.

The "Location Items" section of record for an NYU Bobst Out of LIbrary item with a "Locate" button, and duration of loan and when it's expected to be returned..

Note: "loanable" refers to the item's circulating status, not its availability status. That is to say, a book that is already "on loan" may still be labeled as "loanable" because it may be checked out, whereas "non circulating" material is never loanable.