This guide facilitates access to information and resources relevant for research, teaching and general library use for students, faculty and staff of the Stern at NYUAD MBA program.
Euromonitor Passport (formerly GMID) provides international market intelligence, including economic statistics, on industries, countries, and consumers.
BCC Research reports provide market research with statistical and analytical information. Topics include industrial, pharmaceutical, and high technology industries.
eCommerceDB provides detailed information for 20,000 e-commerce stores in 50 countries, including detailed revenue analytics, competitor analysis, market development, marketing budget, and KPIs. Includes analyses of national e-commerce markets, customer behaviors and purchase patterns, market trends, and top stores.
Users must click the “Log in” link once in order to gain IP recognition.
eMarketer monitors, aggregates, and analyzes data in the form of analyst reports from resources supplied by research firms, consultancies, government agencies, and universities. eMarketer focuses on worldwide Internet usage and e-business. The reports, articles, and in this database charts cover broadband and dial-up, consumers and e-commerce, e-business and IT, marketing and advertising; media and entertainment, demographics and usage; and mobile markets. eMarketer includes access to analyst reports, all downloadable in PDF, JPG, and Excel formats.
A valid NYU NetId and password is required to access this resource
Gartner provides access to information technology and high tech industry and market research reports, and includes their popular "magic quadrant", "hyper cycle", and "cool vendors" series.
When you click on the database link, you will be prompted to answer questions that will help customize your Gartner Reports profile. You may adjust those profile settings once you are on the database homepage.
Mintel Reports offers research reports covering European, UK, and US consumer markets. The reports analyse market drivers, sizes and trends, market segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits. The reports are supplemented by brief digests of relevant recent events and UK and US demographic and economic statistics.
Mintel GNPD (Global New Products Database) monitors worldwide product innovation and new product activity in consumer packaged goods markets. It covers food, drink, household, beauty & personal care, healthcare, and pets. GNPD allows you to screen hundreds of thousands of products by country, category, packaging, price, and other features. GNPD's analytical tools are helpful for analyzing trends in product claims, ingredients, and packaging, in addition to identifying competing products.
MRI Simmons Insights provides a platform for users to access data and analytic tools based on annual consumer surveys. Users can explore consumer demographics, behavior, psychographics, brand preferences, and all major media behaviors covering television, online, mobile, print, radio, social media, and more. NYU subscribes to the Brand and Sales Catalyst modules.
Requires NetID login on and off-campus. Academic data is delayed two years. Use the "Dictionary Search" button to access the legacy interface.
SimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping, analytics and data visualization program providing data variables. Users have access to demographics, marketing data, consumer behavior (purchasing and product usage data), market segments, health, and business points for States, Congressional Districts, Counties, Cities/Places, ZIP Codes, Census Tracts and Block Groups. Users can also export data, maps, reports and shapefiles for use outside of SimplyAnalytics. Now includes Nielsen Scarborough Data Module.
Users are not required to log-in with a user name and password; however, in order to save your work, it is recommended that you create your own user account. SimplyMap user accounts are still functional in the SimplyAnalytics interface.
Statista Global Consumer Survey helps researchers understand consumer behavior as well as consumer interactions with brands. The results of a worldwide online survey about the attitudes and behaviors of a broad consumer base. The survey provides data about different industries and topics from the online and offline world, which can be combined in cross tabs and individual target groups.
Mintel Reports offers research reports covering European, UK, and US consumer markets. The reports analyse market drivers, sizes and trends, market segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits. The reports are supplemented by brief digests of relevant recent events and UK and US demographic and economic statistics.
Mintel GNPD (Global New Products Database) monitors worldwide product innovation and new product activity in consumer packaged goods markets. It covers food, drink, household, beauty & personal care, healthcare, and pets. GNPD allows you to screen hundreds of thousands of products by country, category, packaging, price, and other features. GNPD's analytical tools are helpful for analyzing trends in product claims, ingredients, and packaging, in addition to identifying competing products.
SRDS Media Solutions provides advertising rates and circulation information for U.S. and international media properties including magazines, newspapers, radio, TV/cable, and more.
Users accessing the Local Market Audience Analyst must use Internet Explorer.
Winmo, formerly known as RedBooks, contains detailed profiles of US and international advertising agencies and their clients. Information includes fields of specialization, media spend, social media spend, social impressions, and more.
Vivvix - formerly known as Advertising Insights and AdSpender - provides a fast, top-level summary of the multi-media advertising marketplace. This web-based tool spans five years of national summary spending trends, accessible by industry, parent company, and brand. Users can access data - sourced from Kantar - via customizable reports with easy data exporting abilities to popular spreadsheet and flowchart programs.
This resource requires an active NYU NetID and password to access. Limited to 3 simultaneous users.
AdForum offers access to thousands of streaming television advertisements broadcast nationally and internationally, as well as some digital and print content. Coverage dates focus on the most recent decade but include some historical content from the 20th century. Searchable by keyword, ad agency, brand, industry, country, and people credits.
WARC (formerly World Advertising Research Center) provides access to advertising and marketing information from various sources, including academic and trade journals, case studies, rankings, conference papers, and more. Users can find trends reports, news, and current data on media usage and ad spending. WARC provides access to several academic and trade journals including: Admap, International journal of advertising, International Journal of Market Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising History, and Market Leader.
PolicyMap is a web mapping platform that contains data on demographics, real estate, city crime rates, health, schools, housing affordability, employment, energy, and public investments. Users can create online, interactive maps that can be shared and can upload their own point data to be juxtaposed with the data PolicyMap contains.
SimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping, analytics and data visualization program providing data variables. Users have access to demographics, marketing data, consumer behavior (purchasing and product usage data), market segments, health, and business points for States, Congressional Districts, Counties, Cities/Places, ZIP Codes, Census Tracts and Block Groups. Users can also export data, maps, reports and shapefiles for use outside of SimplyAnalytics. Now includes Nielsen Scarborough Data Module.
Users are not required to log-in with a user name and password; however, in order to save your work, it is recommended that you create your own user account. SimplyMap user accounts are still functional in the SimplyAnalytics interface.
ESRI's ArcGIS Business Analyst allows users to combine demographic, lifestyle, and spending data with map-based analytics to create visualizations and reports.
To request an account, use the NYU Data Services "Request Software" form. Important selections: Request software; Request ArcGIS software; NYU ArcGIS Online Organizational Account; Business Analyst Online.
Fashion and design trend forecasting, reports, and consumer insights. NYU Libraries subscribe to the Insight, Fashion, and Lifestyle & Interiors modules.
Users must create an account using their NYU email address to access WGSN.
Business of Fashion (BoF) Professional provides access to news and newsletters, analysis and briefings, case studies, special reports, online learning resources, and more. BoF covers the global fashion industry, with detailed reporting on retail, luxury, tech, sustainability, marketing, beauty, events, and careers.
Users must create an account with their email address. Check your spam folder if you do not see your account activation email. Add Business of Fashion as a contact to ensure you receive authentication emails and newsletters.