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WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

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Linking Suite by WRDS

Linking Queries by WRDSallows users to easily download link tables between various heavily used databases on the WRDS platform. For example: 

  • Bond CRSP Link: Directly link fixed income data at the individual bond level to the equity data from the CRSP database. CUSIP PERMCO PERMNO   
  • TAQ CRSP Link: provides the link between TAQ SYMBOL and CRSP PERMNO 
  • IBES CRSP Link provides the historical matching of IBES TICKER with CRSP PERMNONCUSIP

For more information about linking in WRDS, also see Princeton-Matching Data in Financial Databases, Stanford-WRDS: Identifiers and Linking Files

Main Permanent Identifiers in WRDS Linking Suite

GVKEY: The Global Company Key or GVKEY is a unique six-digit number key assigned to each company (issue, currency, index) in the Capital IQ Compustat database. It is a company (issue, currency, index) identifier similar to a TICKER symbol. It represents the primary key for a company that is an index constituent.

PERMNO: CRSP permanent number. The PERMNO is a unique permanent identifier for a security. Companies may have several stocks at one time so each PERMCO may be associated with more than one PERMCO. In short, no, a PERMNO cannot change. It stays constant through changes of TICKER, CUSIP, company / security name, and other changes.

However, a security may be delisted and new ones created. For example, PERMNO 16707  is used for the  MANVILLE CORP (date range: 19280229-19881130) before a reorganization in late 1988.  The new PERMNO is 90100 for MANVILLE CORP  (date range: 19881130-20010228), which the CRSP database also describes as JOHNS MANVILLE CORP NEW.

PERMCOCRSP permanent company number. PERMCO is a unique permanent identifier assigned by CRSP to a company with issues on a CRSP file. This number is permanent regardless of name changes. If the value in this field is less than 20,000, CRSP has used the Nasdaq-assigned Company Number, for when the company had an issue trading on The Nasdaq Stock Market(SM). A value over 20,000 indicates that the number was assigned by CRSP.

CUSIP: derives from Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures, is a nine-digit numeric (e.g. 037833100 for Apple) or nine-character alphanumeric (e.g. 38259P508 for Google) code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. 

The CUSIP identifier can have 6, 8, or 9 digits. The first 6 digits refer to the company, the next 2 refer to the security, and the 9th is a check-digit that has no inherent meaning. CRSP uses 8-digit CUSIPs. 

CUSIP Converter: This tool enables you to convert either 8 or 9 digit CUSIPs into 6, 8, or 9 digits.

NCUSIP:  The 8 character historical CUSIP identifier for a security (from CRSP). Note that the final value of NCUSIP is the current value of CUSIP.

TICKER: A unique IBES identifier assigned to each security that is consistent throughout IBES History 

ISIN: An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a 12-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a specific security. For US companies ISIN is made up of the CUSIP with a few extra characters.

ISIN = 2 character country code + 9 character CUSIP + check digit, e.g., Tesla: ISIN: US88160R1014; CUSIP: 88160R101

CIK: Central Index Key: unique registrant identifying ID from US SEC.

SYMBOL: Stock Symbol (symbol) in TAQ

Video Tutorial: WRDS Linking Procedures

The video (21'44") about the basics to linking databases.