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NYU Libraries LibGuides Style Manual

An evolving manual of best practices for creating and maintaining New York University LibGuides. This manual is maintained by the LibGuides Editorial Working Group.

Digital Accessibility Elements

New York University is committed to supporting an information technology environment that provides individuals with disabilities an opportunity to participate in the University’s programs, benefits, and services that is equal to that of their peers without disabilities. ...NYU’s commitment to digital accessibility is grounded not only in principles of equity and inclusion, but also with the knowledge that accessible digital content generally enhances usability for everyone. 
— From the NYU Website Accessibility Policy

What does this mean in practice? The NYU LibGuides Accessibility guide provides a comprehensive overview of all the accessibility elements you should build into your guides, which concern things like:

The Accessibility guide also has links to automated accessibility checker tools, which can catch things you might have overlooked.

Exclamation point icon. Reminder to use the checklist: As you create your guide and add content, be sure that you are working through the Checklist for Creating a Guide. Also, don't forget to submit an accessibility review request before publishing your guide!