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NYU Libraries LibGuides Style Manual

An evolving manual of best practices for creating and maintaining New York University LibGuides. This manual is maintained by the LibGuides Editorial Working Group.

Authoring vs. Preview Mode

As you add content to a guide, you are in the "authoring" mode. If you'd like to check periodically to see what the guide would look to a user, you can click the "eye" icon at the top right of the page. This will open a new tab, displaying the guide as it will be seen by users.

Page Levels

There are two page levels:

  • top-level page is what displays in your guide's tab or side-navigation menu.
  • sub-page is nested under a top-level page.
    • You might find that you don't need to use sub-pages, but they are an option when you have content that could benefit by another tier of organization.
    • The LibGuides default is to display subpages in a drop-down off the parent tab on the side navigation bar. This method does not meet accessibility best practice, as it's problematic for screen readers. So, be sure to do the following (if you hadn't already when you created the guide):
      • Set preferences to "Show all subpages in side navigation:"
        1. At the top of the guide, to the right of the guide title, click the "image" icon.
        2. Click "Guide Navigation Layout"
        3. The drop-down should say "System Default - Side-Nav Layout." Underneath, check the box labeled "Show all subpages in side navigation." "Show box-level navigation for selected page" is optional, but recommended.
  • Page order and levels can be updated and rearranged as needed. Choose the page level settings (button with a three spoke icon and the word "Page" with a drop down arrow). Select, "Reorder/Move --> Pages and then click and drag the pages around into the order you want. You can use this feature to reorder boxes too.

Top-Level Pages

To add a top-level page: 

  1. On the side navigation of your guide, click click the "+ button."
  2. Choose whether you want to "Create New Page" or "Reuse Existing Page"
  • If you opt for "Create New Page" 
  1. Choose the type ("Regular" or "Discussion").
  2. Give the page a name and brief description.
  3. In the Position drop-down menu, leave it at "a top level page."
  • If you opt for "Reuse Existing Page"
  1. Choose the guide where the page resides. (Start searching on guide name, then choose from the resulting drop-down menu.)
  2. Choose the page. (Choose from the drop-down menu.)
  3. The page name will default to its original, but you have the option of changing it.
  4. In the Position drop-down menu, leave it at "a top level page."

Information icon ("i" in a circle) Springshare help: Pages

Page Tips

  • The home page is the gateway to the resources in your guide. A few ideas for home page content:
    • Provide descriptive information about the collections or organization of the guide
    • Highlight new or featured resources
  • It's important to remember that every page is an access point, so it's useful to:
    • Name each page to precisely reflect its content (while keeping it pithy).
    • Assume that the user hasn't necessarily seen the other pages in the guide.
    • Give each page in your guide a friendly URL.

Information icon ("i" in a circle) Springshare help: Edit a page's friendly URL


To create a sub-page: 

  1. On the side navigation of your guide, click the "+ button."
  2. Choose whether you want to "Create New Page" or "Reuse Existing Page"
  • If you opt for "Create New Page" 
    1. Choose the type ("Regular" or "Discussion").
    2. Give the page a name and brief description.
    3. In the "Position" drop-down menu, choose "sub-page of" and select the parent page you want it to nest under.
  • If you opt for "Reuse Existing Page"
    1. Choose the guide where the page resides. (Start searching on guide name, then choose from the resulting drop-down menu.)
    2. Choose the page. (Choose from the drop-down menu.)
    3. The page name will default to its original, but you have the option of changing it.
    4. In the "Position" drop-down menu, choose "sub-page of" and select the parent page you want it to nest under.