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Analyst Reports

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Tips for Power Searching In LSEG Workspace

Advanced search: Search across all reports by keyword, date range, subject/topic, analyst, analyst rating, etc.

  • Initiating coverage: Under subject, select "Initiation". Indicates when an analyst first began their coverage of a specific company. Useful for an extremely deep dive into a company.
  • Industry search: Locate reports that are not focused on one company, but rather an industry.

Avoiding the daily page download limit:

  • Select only the pages of reports that you need using the table of contents and "View Thumbnail" feature.
  • Avoid downloading large reports, or large amounts of reports, without evaluating their contents. Select only the pages of reports that you need to download.
  • Reached the limit of downloadable page in LSEG? Find and download the reports you need via Mergent Online. (Note that Mergent Online lags behind LSEG in terms of when reports are posted.)

Analyst Report FAQs

Q: What happened to Refinitiv Workspace and Thomson ONE?

A: These are previous names and branding for LSEG Workspace, which is also known as Eikon.

Q: Where can I find Morgan Stanley reports?

A: Only in LSEG Workspace.

Q: Why are many analyst reports not accessible in Bloomberg?

A: A large number of their reports are only accessible to Bloomberg's corporate clients, not their academic clients.

Q: Does NYU have access to buy-side analyst reports?

A: No, only sell-side. Buy-side analysis is typically held only by the fund managers for which the reports have been created. There are no vendors who sell buy-side analysis to academic libraries.

Q: What is the different between analyst reports and broker research?

A: Analyst reports and alternative terms (sell-side reports, aftermarket research / "AMR", broker research, and equity research) are used interchangeably.