Learn which grab-and-go documents from our databases are most useful for your assignments: SWOT analyses (at 7 min), analyst reports (11 min), industry reports (12 min), market research reports (15 min), and statistics (20 min). Log into your NYU Zoom via "SSO" to view.
Six videos that provide a basic introduction to accessing library resources and getting help for SPS students. Topics covered: welcome, library catalog, finding articles, citation management basics and RefWorks, research guides, and Google Scholar.
Five videos that introduce new users to the library's most popular resources for marketing. Includes tips for getting started with researching consumers, advertising, industries, and statistics.
High-impact, high-payoff resources that help systematize your job search and prepare for corporate interviews. The resources in this webinar complement the advice of your career coach. Log into your NYU Zoom via "SSO" to view.
Database Video Tutorials
Look for this "play" icon next to database names to find links to video tutorials created by the database provider. We add tutorials as they become available.