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Data Services Class Descriptions
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Data Services Class Descriptions
Information, materials, and schedules for all currently offered Data Services classes.
Data Services Classes
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What is Data Services?
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GIS/Mapping Tools and Services
Introduction to Story Maps (ArcGIS Online)
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro
Introduction to QGIS
Raster Analysis in QGIS
Data Cleaning for GIS
Geospatial Analysis in R
Introduction to ArcGIS StoryMaps
Introduction to ArcGIS Online
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What Statistical Software to Use?
Introduction to SPSS
Data Wrangling in SPSS
Introduction to Stata
Data Wrangling in Stata
Introduction to SAS
Introduction to R
Data Wrangling in R
Creating Graphics in R
Introduction to MATLAB
MATLAB: Beyond Basics
Introduction to JMP
Introduction to Python
Intermediate Python
Digital Tools for Qualitative Data Analysis
Introduction to ATLAS.ti
Introduction to MAXQDA
Introduction to Taguette
Network Diagrams in Gephi
Data Visualization
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Data Visualization with Tableau
Customizing Tableau Data Visualizations
Data Visualization Principles
Data Visualization in Python
Data Management
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Python for Harvesting Data on the Web
Data Cleaning and Management Using Python
Data Cleaning Using OpenRefine
Managing a Personal Research Archive
Introduction to Git and GitHub
Research Management Using the Open Science Framework
Writing a Data Management Plan for Grant Applications
Extracting Text Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Reproducible Workflows in R
Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
Getting Started with Python Pandas
Preparing Research Software For Publication
Open Source Licensing for Research Software
Data Enrichment with APIs and OpenRefine
JupyterHub for Instructors
Introduction to Data Processing
Essentials of Research Computing
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Survey Design with Qualtrics
Advanced Survey Design with Qualtrics
Finding Data
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Principles of Finding Data
Accessing U.S. Census Data
Querying and Editing Wikidata
High Performance Computing
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Introduction to Unix/Linux and the shell
Using Slurm on Greene cluster
Singularity on Greene
Introduction to REDCap
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Introduction to HPC
Advanced HPC
Machine Learning with Spark
Using Containers on HPC
Globus and Data Transfers
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Bobst 617
Bobst 619
Bobst 743
Bobst 745
Dibner LC433
Preparing for Remote Tutorials
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