This interactive workshop held on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 2-3:30pm EST, will guide library workers in supporting transgender and gender diverse patrons and employees in libraries. We'll start by sharing resources for learning about gender identity, then cover basic best practices for common issues such as pronouns, restrooms, and names in a library context. We will also discuss what to do when you make mistakes such as accidentally misgendering someone, and how to work with institutional spaces and policies that may not be ideal. The workshop will provide attendees with the tools to make practical changes in their workplace. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, and resources will be provided for learning more.
This will be an interactive workshop, so come if you can to get the most out of it! We will, as usual, also provide a recording afterwards for those who can't make it but some parts may not be recorded to ensure the psychological safety of all participants.
Stephen G. Krueger (he/him or they/them) is the Scholarly Publishing Librarian at Dartmouth College. He holds an MSLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a BA in English from Warren Wilson College. Stephen's professional and research interests include open access and scholarly communications; he also publishes and presents on transgender inclusion in libraries. Learn more at, or follow him on Twitter (@StephenGKrueger).
NYU Office of Global Inclusion list of all gender neutral restrooms