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NYU LibGuide Accessibility

A comprehensive resource for achieving digital accessibility best practice for NYU Libraries Research Guides.

Accessibility Remediation Overview

Project's Purpose

To have our LibGuides meet digital accessibility compliance, each Guide, and all pages within that Guide, must meet a series of accessibility milestones explained in the Milestones section of this Guide

As LibGuide owners and editors you’re all a11y champions in the making!

Guide Contents:

This Guide can be used to regularly receive support for the remediation work.

Support for Digital Accessibility Work

In addition to the resources within this guide, scheduled workshops, and drop-in hours, we’re available for consultations. Email us at to set something up.

Accessibility icon.  Stick figure with arms and legs outstretched.Thank you!

We’re looking forward to working with you and celebrating your accomplishments!

Iris & Lauren

Image credit: Icons made by Smashicons from

How to Report Your Progress

Follow these steps to report your progress on each Guide:

  1. Open the LibGuides Accessibility Progress Monday Form to record your guide's accessibility updates.
  2. Select the guide that you’re reporting progress on.
    • Guide editors can report progress on guides they are working on with owners.
  3. Select which milestones are complete for that guide.
    • Note: complete means that this milestone is done for all the tabs/pages of the guide, including pages in tabbed boxes.
  4. Indicate if your guide has a publication deadline.
    • Note: It typically takes two weeks for the UX team to properly review submitted guides.  
  5. If you have questions or additional comments you can include them and UX will get back to you. The form will record your email address.
  6. Submit!

UX will do checks for guides and send out regular reports on progress.

Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards