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NYU LibGuide Accessibility

A comprehensive resource for achieving digital accessibility best practice for NYU Libraries Research Guides.


Each guide and each page of the guide should have a friendly URL

Formatting Your Friendly URLs

  • Use lowercase and dashes between words (friendly-url-example)
    • Use the tab name when it’s short
    • If the tab is more than 4 words
      • You’ll need to be a little creative. Focus on what is easy to remember, spell, and gives the user enough enough info about what page/tab would be about if they didn’t have any more context

Avoid Editing Existing Friendly URLs

  • You do not have to update the friendly URLs to match the convention suggested above, especially if you've provide these friendly URLs in other platforms (i.e. NYU Classes).
  • Try to avoid editing your friendly URLs too much after they’re published, it will break the links users may already have.

LibGuide Help Center Resources:


For this Friendly URL page within the A11y Remediation Guide:

  • Avoid using URLs that are not easily readable, like this:
  • Instead, use this:

Do this for all Guides AND pages/tabs within a Guide.

Additional Resources