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NYU LibGuide Accessibility

A comprehensive resource for achieving digital accessibility best practice for NYU Libraries Research Guides.


Images have alt-text

Alt-text is a concise description of the image. Screen reader users won’t be able to engage with an image you put into your guide unless it has alt-text.

  • Check each page for your guide to make sure all images have alternative text. 
    • You can do that in the author edit mode of each page by clicking on each image (probably the most practical).
    • Do an automated scan with an accessibility checker. Check each page of the guide. Note down which images don’t have alt-text then using the editor in LibGuides to add alt-text. 


You can also do a scan of a page after you’ve done the work just to confirm you haven’t missed anything.

  • Use the Rich Text Editor > Image tool or use the Image Manager found via Main Menu > Content > Image Manager
    • Image Manager Note: There’s currently a vendor bug that limits the character count to 50, so be aware of that if you’re describing complex images. Use the rich text editor for longer descriptions.

Tips for Writing Alt-Text:

  • Try to keep it short (~140 characters) because a user has to listen to it. Too wordy and it can be overwhelming. 
  • Use punctuation in your alt-text. Make sure to put a period at the end of your sentences. Punctuation helps screen readers pace.
  • Remove images that are purely decorative, serve no educational, or communications purpose. Or add “” into the Alt-Text field (no spaces between the quotation marks). 


  • If you have marked-up screenshots in your guides to explain how to use an online service or system be aware that the text or arrows you add to that image won’t be available to a screen reader.
  • The best practice is to write out the information or directions in the body text of your guide, not just on an image, that way it's accessible to everyone. 
  • Having directions in your body text makes writing the alt-text for that image and keeping to the 140 characters much easier. 


LibGuide Help Center Resources:

Additional Resources