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NYU LibGuide Accessibility

A comprehensive resource for achieving digital accessibility best practice for NYU Libraries Research Guides.

Before You Begin Your Accessibility Work

Deque's: The Beginner's Guide to Accessibility

Update Your Guide's Navigation Layout

Side navigation and a single column format improves mobile experience. It also makes navigating guides with lots of tabs and sub-pages much easier on all devices. 

How to change the layout

  • From the author view in your guide select the Guide Layout button > the Guide Navigation Layout > Side Navigation - default
  • There will be a system-wide change to side navigation in the future. Making this change in advance means you won’t have to go back and review that all the content is where you want it.

Readability, Cognitive Load, and Clear and Concise Content

Making our content clear and concise benefits all our users!


  • Use simple and concise language when you can
    • Double check that your instructions are clear and easy to follow
    • Avoid acronyms and jargon
  • Break up big blocks of text for easier reading 
    • Better to have the page be longer than packed and hard to read
  • Don’t bury the lead. Put the main point of your text at the beginning.
