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NYU LibGuide Accessibility

A comprehensive resource for achieving digital accessibility best practice for NYU Libraries Research Guides.


Text should be properly formatted and consistent with Library Visual Branding (size, color, font)

Text that’s been copy/pasted sometimes adds extra HTML formatting. Copy/pasted formatting can cause strange behavior for assistive technology. It can also cause pages to deviate from the Libraries’ visual branding.

Best Practice: Use the Rich Text Editor tool to format

  • Headings
  • Lists
  • Italics
  • Bold
  • Tables​

What to check for

  • Pages with text that is below size 14pt, a font other than Gotham, or a color other than black, grey, or dark purple.
  • When using the rich text editor check the source view, if there’s lots of HTML code then you’ll want to remove the formatting.


  • Use the “paste as plain text” feature when copy/pasting.
  • Avoid special colors, and don’t use color to indicate meaning. Visit the NYU Visibility page for more information about contrast.

LibGuide Help Center Resources:

NYU Font Branding

In February 2024, NYU replaced the Gotham web font with a new custom font: NYU Perstare.  All Libraries' digital environments (including the site and LibGuides) have been set to use this font.  Please do not use any custom fonts nor select a different font from within the LibGuides system.  Please let User Experience (UX) know if you have any questions about this:

Additional Resources