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NYU Reads

A selection of resources for engaging with the NYU Reads books.

The Sacred and the Superfund

Our addiction to fossil fuels and current energy policies accelerate carbon dioxide inputs every year, unequivocally causing a global rise in temperatures. Spring comes nearly a week earlier than it did just twenty years ago.

- Braiding Sweetgrass, Maple Nation: A Citizenship Guide (p.172).

Journal and News Articles

Indigenous Ethnobotany

Journal and News Articles 

Returning the Gift

The traditional ecological knowledge of Indigenous harvesters is rich in prescriptions for sustainability. They are found in Native science and philosophy, in lifeways and practices, but most of all in stories, the ones that are told to help restore balance, to locate ourselves once again in the circle.

Braiding Sweetgrass, The Honorable Harvest (p.179).

Journal and News Articles


Print Books

