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NYU Reads

A selection of resources for engaging with the NYU Reads books.

Communication, Creativity and Connection

Communication surrounds our world.  Ultimately, communication can be interpreted as a fundamental means to connect and convey messages.  When we read Klara and the Sun, how do we experience the communication between Klara and the other human characters?  What about Klara's communication with the sun?

Communication can occur in different modalities such as spoken or sign languages, through gestures, and/or art.  For example, Josie and Rick communicate through art when they draw caricatured characters who communicate within bubbles.  



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August 16, 2022 (2-3pm)

NYU Welcome 2022 in neon fuchsia, pink, and orange.Exploring Arts-based Pedagogy for Experiential Learning in NYU Reads title, Klara and the Sun

This session is for faculty or anyone intending to teach with the NYU Reads title, Klara and the Sun. Through exploring our imagination and connection to each other, this immersive arts-based workshop aims to provide methods of incorporating creative learning tools into coursework through discussing varied themes in Klara and The Sun.

Participants are encouraged to have color pencils or markers and paper (or digital equivalent) for the workshop.

This session will be held via Zoom:

Registration is required.

August 23, 2022 (2-3pm) 

NYU Welcome 2022 written in neon fuchsia, pink, and orange.Cultivating Creativity and Connection with NYU Reads title, Klara and the Sun

Through exploring our imagination and connection to each other, this immersive arts-based workshop aims to provide methods of incorporating creative learning tools into coursework through discussing varied themes in Klara and The Sun.

Participants are encouraged to have color pencils or markers and paper (or digital equivalent) for the workshop.

This session will be held via Zoom:

Registration is required.

Reflections on Intersections

  • Solid purple circle with white question mark in the middle, projecting a shadow within circle.How do we communicate in order to connect to each other?
  • Whose methods of communication and language is privileged/marginalized, and how do we challenge these societal barriers?

Additional Resources: