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NYU Reads

A selection of resources for engaging with the NYU Reads books.


The creation of this page was presented with immense challenges due to the lack of information both in availability and scope on Indigenous women as it relates to culture and spirituality. The shortage of information exemplifies the importance in telling the stories of all women and the crucial roles they play as mothers, daughters, wisdom keepers and protectors. 

Way of the Daughter

Paula Gunn Allen, in her book Grandmothers of the Light, writes of the changing roles of women as they spiral through the phases of life, like the changing face of the moon. We begin our lives, she says, walking the Way of the Daughter. This is the time for learning, for gathering experiences in the shelter of our parents.

-Braiding Sweetgrass, A Mother's Work (p.96).

Way of the Mother

We move next to self-reliance, when the necessary task of the age is to learn who you are in the world. The path brings us next to the Way of the Mother. This, Gunn relates, is a time when 'her spiritual knowledge and values are called into service for her children' 

-Braiding Sweetgrass, A Mother's Work (p.96).


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